Three other test-to-fail state tests are repetition, stress, and load. These tests target state handling problems where the programmer didn't consider what might happen in the worst-case scenarios.
Repetition testing involves doing the same operation over and over. This could be as simple as starting up and shutting down the program over and over. It could also mean repeatedly saving and loading data or repeatedly selecting the same operation. You might find a bug after only a couple repetitions or it might take thousands of attempts to reveal a problem.
The main reason for doing repetition testing is to look for memory leaks. A common software problem happens when computer memory is allocated to perform a certain operation but isn't completely freed when the operation completes. The result is that eventually the program uses up memory that it depends on to work reliably. If you've ever used a program that works fine when you first start it up, but then becomes slower and slower or starts to behave erratically over time, it's likely due to a memory leak bug. Repetition testing will flush these problems out.
Stress testing is running the software under less-than-ideal conditions: slow memory, low disk space, slow CPUs, slow modems, and so on. Look at your software and determine what external resources and dependencies it has. Stress testing is simply limiting them to their bare minimum. Your goal is to starve the software. Does this sound like boundary condition testing? It is.
Load testing is the opposite of stress testing. With stress testing, you starve the software; with load testing, you feed it all that it can handle. Operate the software with the largest possible data files. If the software operates on peripherals such as printers or communications ports, connect as many as you can. If you're testing an Internet server that can handle thousands of simultaneous connections, do it. Max out the software's capabilities. Load it down.
Don't forget about time as a load testing variable. With most software, it's important for it to run over long periods. Some software should be able to run forever without being restarted.
There's no reason that you can't combine repetition, stress, and load, running all the tests at the same time. This is a sure way to expose severe bugs that might otherwise be difficult to find.
Great information. Great site. Really enjoyed reading the tips. Keep up the good work.
Automation Testing
ok, thanks for this post it's quite informative and I have learned new things.
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